Eric is coming!

Eric is coming!

Eric de Groot

Global Pioneer in Meeting Design

This April, Taiwan welcomes one of the world’s pioneering Meeting Designers, Eric de Groot, for two exclusive workshops. As a co-founder of Orange Gibbon Ltd. and an expert with over 40 years of experience, Eric has transformed meetings into engaging, results-driven experiences. His innovative approach, blending theatre techniques with strategic meeting structures, has made a lasting impact on the industry.

Course 1

會議設計工作坊Meeting Design Workshop

📅 Date | April 9th, 2025

🕙 Time | 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

📍 Venue | Taipei City, Taiwan

near TaipowerBuilding MRT Station

💼 Language | English



Reimagine Meetings. Redefine Engagement

走進 Eric de Groot 打造的沉浸式會議設計世界,徹底顛覆你對「會議」的想像。這場工作坊充滿創意、樂趣與深度洞見,帶你親自體驗「設計過的會議」如何促進連結、激發靈感,並產生具體成果。

從劇場導演到會議設計師,Eric 善用戲劇手法打造充滿故事性的會議流程,讓每一次聚會都成為人與人共創未來的契機。


✔ 如何設計讓人想參加的「好玩」會議
✔ 實用的互動設計工具,提升參與感
✔ 洞悉群體動態,掌握會議節奏
✔ 與來自不同領域的參與者交流,激發新觀點



Step into an immersive, co-creative, and joyful exploration of meeting design with Eric de Groot, one of the pioneers in the field. This workshop dismantles the outdated notion of dull, unproductive meetings and transforms them into dynamic spaces for creativity, connection, and results.

Through hands-on experiences, participants will dive deep into the core of human-centered meetings—where every agenda point sparks engagement and drives outcomes. Eric’s background in theatre and storytelling adds a creative twist, turning every meeting into a meaningful journey.

▍Key Takeaways

✔ A fresh perspective on designing engaging, purposeful meetings
✔ Hands-on tools for fostering interaction and creativity
✔ Insights into human dynamics and how they shape meeting outcomes
✔ Inspiration from diverse participants and their experiences

▍Good For

Event professionals, facilitators, team leaders, educators, creatives or anyone eager to turn routine meetings into impactful moments.

Course 2

by Default or by Design

📅 Date | April 12th, 2025

🕙 Time | 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

📍 Venue | Taipei City, Taiwan

near TaipowerBuilding MRT Station

💼 Language | English

From Structure to Strategy — Master the Art of Effective Meetings

許多會議在不經設計的情況下進行,結果往往重複、散漫且低效。本課程以《Meetings, by Default or by Design》一書為核心,透過實際案例分享,帶領參與者探索短期優化與長期改善會議的策略,學會如何靈活運用這本工具書,讓每場會議活動更有價值。


  • 掌握如何將會議從例行轉變為有影響力的溝通場域

  • 透過真實案例學習不同組織如何改善會議品質

  • 獲得可立即套用的框架與工具,快速優化會議流程

  • 建立永續的會議文化,提升參與度與決策效率



Too many meetings happen by default—repetitive, unfocused, and unproductive. This course turns the principles of "Meetings, by Default or by Design" into practical strategies, guiding participants through real-world cases to implement both short-term fixes and long-term improvements for better meetings.


  • Master how to transform meetings from routine to impactful communication spaces on specific issues.

  • Learn from real-life cases of how organizations have improved meeting quality.

  • Gain immediately applicable tools, solutions and models to quickly optimize meeting programmes.

  • Build a sustainable meeting culture that boosts participation and decision-making efficiency.

▍Good For

Senior managers, project leaders, strategists, facilitators, and anyone responsible for high-stakes meetings that demand clear results.


This is not just a course; it is an adventure in redefining the future of meetings.

  • Eric de Groot,全球最早的會議設計師之一,將於今年四月來台,作為他全球巡迴告別之旅的一部分,這也是他40多年會議生涯的重要里程碑。此行意義非凡,因為Eric是台灣首間專注於會議設計的公司——Orange Gibbon的共同創辦人,這家公司由荷蘭的MindMeeting與台灣會議顧問專家Asia Concentrate合資成立。

    Eric對會議設計領域的影響無可比擬,他與Mike van der Vijver合著的兩本經典書籍——📖《Into the Heart of Meetings》與《Meetings, by Default or by Design》,成為全球會議設計師的必備工具書。



    ◉ 會議設計方法與策略

    ◉ 群體動態管理技巧

    ◉ 戲劇元素在會議中的應用



    Eric de Groot, one of the world's earliest meeting designers, will be in Taiwan this April as part of his global farewell tour, marking over 40 years in the industry. This visit is especially meaningful as Eric is a co-founder of Orange Gibbon, Taiwan's first company dedicated to Meeting Design, a joint venture between the Dutch company MindMeeting and the Taiwanese consultancy Asia Concentrate.

    Eric's influence on the meeting design industry is unparalleled, with two seminal books co-authored with Mike van der Vijver: 📖 Into the Heart of Meetings and Meetings, by Default or by Design. These books have become essential reading for meeting designers around the world.

    Before transitioning to meeting design, Eric spent more than 10 years as a professional actor and theatre director, a background that greatly shapes his unique approach to meeting design. Since 1992, Eric has been integrating theatrical techniques into meeting structures, transforming every meeting from a mere exchange of information to an interactive and creative experience.

    His designs are centred on human interaction, education, and creativity, assisting clients in achieving their true goals through meetings. Eric’s key course topics include:

    ◉ Meeting design methodologies and strategies

    ◉ Group dynamics management techniques

    ◉ The application of theatrical elements in meetings

    Eric has been a frequent speaker at major international conferences and even took the stage at TED, earning global recognition for his work.

    This is not just a course; it is an adventure in redefining the future of meetings.

    • Course 1 會議設計工作坊(4 月 9 日)重於會議設計的基礎技巧,對想要了解Meeting Design的方法論,入門課程不能錯過

    • Course 2 創造會議價值(4 月 12 日)透過 𝙈𝙚𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨, 𝙗𝙮 𝘿𝙚𝙛𝙖𝙪𝙡𝙩 𝙤𝙧 𝙗𝙮 𝘿𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙣 工具書中的章節,做深入探討如何從根本上重塑會議的運作模式,提供實用的案例與洞察,是馬上可以上手的實用課程

    • If you want to completely redesign meetings to be more engaging and interactive → Choose Meeting Design Workshop (April 9)

    • If you need strategies to improve and structure meetings effectively → Choose Meetings, by Default or by Design (April 12)

  • 不需要任何經驗。二個課程皆適合初學者,也適合希望提升會議技巧的資深專業人士。

    No prior experience is required. The workshops cater to both beginners and experienced professionals looking to enhance their meeting skills.

  • 這兩個課程均以英語進行,以確保內容正確,並提供身歷其境的學習體驗。由於課程內容豐富且具互動性質,提供口譯可能會導致語意不清,並佔用寶貴的時間。參加者應具備基本的英語能力,才能完全投入。

    Both workshops are conducted in English to ensure clarity and an immersive learning experience. Providing interpretation may lead to a loss of meaning and take up valuable time, given the rich content and interactive nature of the sessions. Participants should have basic English proficiency to fully engage.

  • 非必須,但強烈建議您購買,因為課程內容是以書中的關鍵概念為基礎。

    It’s not mandatory, but highly recommended, as the course content is based on key concepts from the book.

  • 目前僅接受銀行匯款/轉帳。


    - 若需開立「發票」,請於轉帳時一併額外繳交5%稅金,並告知統編。

    - 限額小班,以付款時間為名額排序,逾期恕不保留名額。

    ✍ 轉帳資訊

    銀行代號:808 古亭分行




    - 信件主旨:[課程名稱]_[您的姓名]_[末五碼]

    - 收信人

    Only bank transfer is accepted.

    Please pay the full amount within 3 working days after signing up to reserve your place.

    Due to limited seats, the order of places will be based on the time of payment, and places will not be reserved after that time.

    ✍ Transfer Information

    Bank Code: 808 E. Sun Bank, Guting Branch

    Remittance account number:0989-940-016373

    Account Name: Orange Gibbon Ltd.

    After completing the remittance, please send a letter to confirm and provide information:

    - Subject of the email: [Course Title]_[Your Name]_[Last Five Digits]

    - To: