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Conducting an Orchestra and Group Facilitation 會議其實就是一場交響樂

Orange Gibbon

Updated: Dec 5, 2023

“The principal task of a Conductor is not to put himself in evidence, but to disappear behind his functions as much as possible. We are pilots, not servants.”

- Franz Liszt 李斯特・費倫茨 ( 浪漫主義音樂的主要代表人物 )

Photo by Gabriel Santos Fotografia from Pexels / Photo by Orange Gibbon

A group of people can be extremely powerful. If they have a shared purpose. If what they do is drenched in meaning. Like the Conductor of an Orchestra, a Facilitator helps groups of people to practice the meaning, live the purpose, unleash the power.

「三個臭皮匠,勝過諸葛亮。」一群人聚集在是可以激盪出非常大的能量,只要擁有共同的目標,只要他們的所為所為是充滿意義的。如同指揮家之於交響樂團,引導師之於會議也是一樣。引導師的定位在於協助人們在會議中: 勾勒出齊聚一堂的意義、實踐會議核心目的,並凝聚與釋放共創的力量。

Photo by Diogo Nunes on Unsplash

“The Conductor of an Orchestra doesn’t make a sound. He depends, for his power, on his ability to make other people powerful.”

- Benjamin Zander 本傑明贊德 ( 英國指揮家,波士頓愛樂樂團音樂總監 )

A good Conductor helps all musicians to play better. A good Facilitator brings out the contributions of all group members.

A good Conductor is not a better instrumentalist than any of his Orchestra musicians, but he creates the most beautiful music they can play together. A good Facilitator doesn’t know as much as his group members, but he creates the best possible outcome they can achieve together.



Photo by Roxanne Minnish/Rene Asmussen from Pexels
“The most important thing for the Conductor is that he or she listens. Her listening will make things sound a certain way. If the Conductor listens well, the musicians will listen to each other better. The Conductor can, in fact, impose a certain kind of listening for everybody.”
對於指揮家最重要的一件事在於 --- 他 / 她聆聽。指揮家的聆聽,能促使聲響凝聚成美好的樂章。如果指揮家善於聆聽,那麼演奏中的音樂家們也能更好地聆聽彼此。事實上,指揮家是可以決定人們將如何聆聽這場演出的核心關鍵。

- Laurence Equilbey 勞倫斯埃基爾比 ( 法國指揮家 )

A good Conductor and a good Facilitator listen more than they speak. And when they speak, they do so to help their Orchestra or their group perform better. Do you want to learn the noble art of Group Facilitation? Join our training course!

好的引導師與好的指揮家,共同點就在於「聆聽遠多於訴說」;而他們一旦開口 (指揮) ,便是為了協助整場會議 (交響樂團) 更精彩的結果。你渴望更加理解群體引導的藝術嗎? 歡迎加入我們的訓練課程 !




• 日期:2024. 02. 17-18 週六日

• 時間:9:30-17:00

• 地點:台北市(於行前通知確切地點)

• 詳細課程資訊|立即報名: ✓ 限額精緻小班,精準提升個人技能

✓ 實作演練,去蕪存菁掌握訣竅 ✓ 現正早鳥優惠,三人團報更優惠


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