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Why Gibbon and Why Orange? 命名二三事:桔色的長臂猿

Orange Gibbon

Updated: Dec 5, 2023

Summer 2017: Four entrepreneurs are hammering out ideas in a room overlooking sunny Taipei. How can we bring the joy of effective, efficient meetings to Taiwan and to Asia in general? The answer: let’s introduce Meeting Design services here!

Ok, next question. What do you call the company who will do that? Something with Meeting Design, says one. Something with MindMeeting, says another. Naah… Two hours trying to find translations into Mandarin with names like that and all sucked. So what do you do as a designer if you get stuck? You change tack! Totally!

So: a new question 1: What is an animal that acts like us? Swift, agile, likeable, with a broad view? A monkey! Even better: a Gibbon! Gibbons only live in Asia where they swing through treetops.

Question 2: What is an auspicious colour? A colour that wishes well? Yellow! Even better: Orange!! That is the colour of the Netherlands, where the ideas were born.

And so we became Orange Gibbon. The first company in Asia specialized in designing meetings that are agile and that bring change. Want to know how agile? Check out the gibbon video below!

2017年夏天,在台北某飯店陽光燦爛的會議室中,四位創辦人正在集思廣益,討論該如何將兼具歡樂和高效率的會議帶進台灣,甚至推廣至亞洲呢?答案是開一間公司,引進 Meeting Design 這項服務!


創辦人Han說,要跟 Meeting Design 有關,但這個名詞翻成中文就非常苦惱了;另一個人則說,要加入MindMeeting (註1) 的涵義。於是四個人費盡心思,不斷丟出新的想法跟命名,結果卻不盡如人意。




腦中最先浮現的答案可能是猴子,但長臂猿 (Gibbon) 會更適合!只在亞洲樹林間穿梭的長臂猿更符合上述形象,下方有影片可以欣賞到它們敏捷的身影。


橘色 (Orange) 讓四位創辦人一致點頭通過,因為亮麗的橘色不僅讓人感溫暖,同時也是荷蘭這個充滿創意思想的國家代表色,而四位創辦人中就有兩位來自荷蘭。

適合推動 Meeting Design 服務的公司名稱就此誕生!Orange Gibbon Ltd. 桔本股份有限公司。中文公司名稱,除了「桔」有橘色的含意,「本」則代表會議應該回歸根本、回到初衷,桔本更是Gibbon的音譯,因此命名為桔本。

Orange Gibbon Ltd. 桔本股份有限公司是亞洲第一間專門提供靈活敏捷設計和創意革新服務的會議公司。


Orange Gibbon: Meeting – Agility – Change – Design 會議.敏捷.革新.設計

左起 Eric de Groot, Han Chiang, Mike van der Vijver, Pairry Chiang (註2)



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